
Good Luck on the Eiken Jr. Test!

Just a reminder that the testing will take place tomorrow at EXOMUT English school. For those who are taking the test, please bring two pre-sharpened pencils...

Board Game Boom

Due to the horrible situation of COVID, people are not able to enjoy life like they used to; going out to movies, meeting with friends, hitting...

Winter Morning Dread

Mornings have never been my thing. Waking up in the morning is a chore. My alarm goes off, I hit the snooze button and close my...

OMG! It’s Snow!

As many of you may know, I am from Minnesota. It is located in the US right next to the border of Canada. The latitude of...

Christmas Food is Surprising in Japan

Boy was I surprised the first time I learned about the traditions for a Japanese Christmas; Cake & Fried Chicken! In America, and many other countries,...

Christmas Crafting: Mixed Traditions

Crafting is something every child does for events in America. Birthdays, Halloween, Easter, Christmas, and just for fun. The most popular thing to make for Christmas...