Fortnite: Is it good for kids?

Should kids be playing Fortnite? Of course, that is a question that must be answered by the parents of the child. However, I would like to look at some of the good and bad points of Fortnite and try to answer if parents should allow their children to play Fortnite.

Let’s start off with the negative things about Fortnite.

First and foremost, there is violence; especially guns. Shooting games have always lead debates about if they make children more violent in real life. In Fortnite, players earn bonus points if they aim for the head as well. If your child has a hard time separating real life from stories and fiction, then it is a good sign that they are not ready to be playing shooting games. Fortunately, Fortnite does not have blood or gruesome death animations. Personally, I don’t enjoy the final attack you can do to someone that is crawling on the ground before they lose. It feels a bit cruel.

Next would be the in-game chat. Chatting with people you meet in the real world is fairly safe. Most people are afraid of the consequences that could come from bullying someone online. Sadly, it can still occur. On the other hand, chatting with a stranger online dehumanizes the recipient. Making it much easier to say nasty and rude things to other people. Make sure to only allow chatting with friends from the settings to avoid the pain from the things angry gamers can say.

Now on to the good things.

Playing a game in general is quite good for the brain. It keeps your mind active. Just like sports, Fortnite requires a lot of skill and strategy to be able to win. People who can consistently win have spent a lot of time honing their techniques and researching the best strategies. Communication is also extremely important if you want to win.

There is also a creative mode where you can create your own game with your own rules. Creative mode is very overwhelming, but when you get the basics down, it almost feels like you are a game designer.

At first, I was a little nervous about Fortnite being a free-to-play game. Most games of that type tend to use the “Gatcha” system where you buy a mystery box with the chance of getting a rare item. However, Fortnite sells something called “skins”. Skins are just different designs you can choose for your main character. They are completely unnecessary and do not give the player an advantage. So, parents who don’t allow their children to make in-app purchases can rest assured that their children can experience the whole game without even spending a dime.

In the end, deciding if your child should be allowed to play Fortnite comes down to a few things.

Is your child mature enough to separate fiction from reality?

Can your child handle the stress of losing without saying bad things to other players?

Does your child know how to stop playing the game when it is time to do homework or chores?

And most importantly…

Do you as a parent have the time to sit down and experience the game together? You need to guide them and teach them the correct manners. Teach them how to stay safe online. Help them look up information when they want to know how to do something in the game.

An online game can only be safe if the parents are willing to be a part of it.

So yes, I think Fortnite can be a good game for children if the parents take the time to guide their kids. Or even better, play together!