This week in class I have been using a software that I made a while ago called, “Top 5.” Many of my elementary students really enjoy the quiz show feeling of this app. This week’s topic was Seth’s favorites. The students took turns choosing categories, then I had to quickly think of my top 5 favorite things for that category. The students are even allowed to choose how many points each correct answer is worth. Some people choose very standard points, such as 10, 7, 5, 3, and 1 and some people go wild and choose extreme points, like 99, 1, 15, 44, and 86
For example, when a student chose the category, “Drinks.” I wrote the list:
- Club Soda [10 points]
- Coke Zero [7 points]
- Iced Coffee [5 points]
- Hot Coffee [3 points]
- Green Tea [1 point]
Then the students have to guess what I like using the phrase, “I think you like water.” If it is in the list after everyone guesses, they get the points.
This activity helps to get the conversation flowing and add some excitement to speaking English. It also helps with doing math and saying numbers in English.
I really enjoy activities when students are having so much fun, that they don’t know they are learning. Next time, I will have the students make their own top 5 lists and be the gameshow host.