People are extremely lazy. Especially when you have to type using an extremely small screen and an even smaller on-screen keyboard. Instead of typing out a long sentence, people tend to use common acronyms. The most famous of all is “LOL.” Which means, “Laugh out loud.” It is used when you find something funny. Similar to Japan’s “wwww”.
Here is a short list of some of the most common online slang:
BRB: Be right back
Use this if you need to have a few minutes away from your phone or game. Very useful when you have to go to the bathroom.
GG: Good Game
If you play a lot of online games, you will see this one many times while playing. Even if the person you are playing against is not that good, it is a good idea to write “GG” to show good sportsmanship.
IMHO: In my honest opinion (In my humble opinion)
Also sometimes shortened to IMO; In my opinion. When you want to express when an idea is yours and a bit different in a conversation use IMHO. Adding the H, honest or humble, lowers yourself making it sound more polite.
JK: Just kidding
After using sarcasm or to protect yourself when you accidentally said something too mean, use JK.
NVM: Never mind
This one is not an acronym but instead the first letter of each syllable. If you asked a question and then found your answer somewhere else, just write, “NMV”.
Lastly, don’t worry about capitalizing any of these acronyms. Using lower case is easier and perfectly fine.