Mornings have never been my thing. Waking up in the morning is a chore. My alarm goes off, I hit the snooze button and close my eyes. What seems like only seconds and the alarm is ringing again. This pattern repeats until I can finally force myself awake.
During the summer it is not so bad. The heat and the humidity make it difficult for me to sleep deeply. On the other hand, I hibernate like a bear in the winter. Once I am under the covers, the heat of my body makes the blanket so warm. Curling up into a ball and wrapping the covers around me with just my head sticking out touching the room’s cool air is just so comfortable. Knowing that I am going to have to pull off the covers and move my body to warm up makes leaving the bed horrible.
After way too many times of hitting snooze on my alarm each day during the winter, I wake up with another problem; a stiff body. Cold nights being curled up in a ball and not moving much makes all of my muscles stiff by the morning. I am sure that most of you are the same. It is extremely hard to motivate myself to exercise and stretch on a cold morning.
Some people might say, “Why don’t you just turn on the heater?” That is a reasonable idea. However, heaters make the air so dry. Also, I really like the feeling of sleeping under a warm blanket in a cold room. So, there is nothing I can do about it.
One of the few things that helps me build up the motivation to get out of bed is the thought of a hot cup of coffee. I guess that will have to do for now.