I have been putting off getting my bicycle serviced for many months now. I was afraid that my bicycle was reaching a tipping point since the back tire’s tread was getting extremely thin.
The brakes have needed replacing twice in the past year. Changing brake pads is not that hard, so I normally, go on Amazon and buy a pack of pads for a few thousand yen. Adding a bit of oil, adjusting gears, tightening the brakes is one thing. However, when it comes to replacing the back tire and tube, I don’t have the energy or confidence for a project of that size.
I bit the bullet and brought my bike in for maintenance. There is a nice bicycle shop called Cycle Spot near Higashi-Mukojima at the corner of Meiji Street and Mito Street. They offer quick service and the staff listen well when I try to explain my problems. They are quite busy though.
My bike is as good as new. Peddling feels like a breeze compared to before. I am glad I took the time to take it into the shop.