After riding my bicycle daily for over 15 years, it finally happened. I had an accident. My front tire got hit and I lost my balance causing me to crash. Luckily, I was not going too fast or else the accident could have been worse.
The first thing I hit was my elbow, which absorbed most of the fall. My elbow broke and the muscle pulled the bone away. Next, I hit my shoulder, lower back, and ankle. I was wearing a heavy jacket, so I had just a little scarring in those areas. Then I hit my left hand’s knuckles and my head. I was wearing a strong canvas hat that day, so the head injury was not too bad.
After the crash a nice man from a nearby apartment came and called an ambulance for me. I am so glad that ambulances are free in Japan. If I was in America, I might have called a taxi instead.
In the ER I got 2 staples to close the gap in the head wound and I had X-rays and CT Scans on my arm and head. Fortunately, there was no damage to my brain. However, the elbow needed surgery.
A few days later, I visited the doctor and got checked into the hospital to prepare for surgery on my elbow. The surgery went well. I had 4 pins and a wire to hold them in place inserted into my arm. I asked the doctor to let me go home early and I was out of the hospital 2 days after surgery. I have to go back to the hospital for check-ups and rehabilitation.
All-in-all, from accident to getting out of the hospital it took one week, from Saturday October 30th to Saturday November 6th. After that, I was back to work 2 days later. I think that was quite quick compared to normal.
I am happy to be back at work. Many people sent me nice messages and were extremely supportive! Thank you everyone! And sorry for the trouble.
See you in class!