I have decided to start a series of blogs called, “My Top #.” Why? Because everyone loves lists!
To start off my journey of making lists I chose books. As I was thinking of ideas for my next blog, I looked around my desk and found some books. And so it was decided.
Personally, I don’t often read books. It is not that I don’t like reading; the problem is that once I start reading a book, I must finish it. I need to know what happens next.
Book #3: “Dune” by Frank Herbert
Dune is a mixed genre book. You have space drama, sci-fi, adventure, magical powers, and politics. The version of the book that I have is 794 pages long. There are so many names for places, characters, and terminology that the book includes a small dictionary in the back.
The growth of the main character, the betrayals, and the revenge are the three main points that made Dune so interesting to me. I had a very hard time putting this book down once I started.
Book #2: “The Arm of the Stone” by Victoria Strauss
During middle school, we had a study period where we were required to silently do homework. Most of the time I didn’t have any homework, so I just doodled pictures. After many months of being bored in study hall, I broke down and bought a book to read. And boy did I get lucky with my first choice.
The Arm of the Stone is a story about a world where technology is forbidden and a family with a great secret. There is magic in the world, but you must go to school to be allowed to use it. After an incident, the main character’s family dies, and he sets out for revenge.
Book #1: “Ender’s Game” by Orson Scott Card
Ender’s Game was so good that it was made into a movie starring Harrison Ford. This book takes place on Earth in the future. Earth had been attacked by aliens and the humans are preparing to strike back before the aliens have a chance to attack again. The government is training young children to plan war strategies. There are many reasons they are using children, but I don’t want to spoil the story.
The emotions that the main character goes through make you feel really sorry for the position he was put in. There are actually many sequels to this book. I have read a few. However, I find Ender’s Game to be the best.