• トリビアル・パシュート ファミリーエディション: 子どもも大人も楽しめるトリビアゲームです。語彙力や文化的知識を高めるのに最適です。
• AGOリンク: 簡単で楽しいカードゲーム。会話を引き出すのにピッタリです。
• オトリオ: カラフルで戦略的なゲームで、パターン認識や論理的思考を養います。
1. コミュニケーションを促進する
2. 語彙力と文法力を向上させる
3. リラックスした環境を作る
4. 批判的思考を練習する
5. 文化理解を深める
• ウォームアップ活動: AGOリンクは授業の始めに生徒が自然に話し始めるのに最適です。
• 語彙練習: トリビアル・パシュートのトリビア問題を使って、生徒が文脈の中で単語を学べるようにします。
• グループワーク: オトリオのようなゲームはチームワークやコミュニケーションを促進し、語学学習に欠かせないスキルを育てます。
• 楽しい授業日: 特別な日にはこれらのゲームを使って、リラックスした教育的な雰囲気を作ります。
Black Friday and Cyber Monday Haul: Games Make Students Talk
This Black Friday and Cyber Monday, I grabbed some fantastic board games on Amazon, and I’m thrilled to share them with you. These games are not just fun but also excellent tools for teaching English. Here’s a little about what I got and why they’re perfect for language learning.
My Haul: What Did I Buy?
From the picture, you can see I picked up some classics and new favorites, including:
• Trivial Pursuit Family Edition: A perfect trivia game with questions for kids and adults. It’s great for building vocabulary and cultural knowledge.
• AGO Link: A simple, engaging card game ideal for sparking conversations.
• Otrio: A colorful strategic game that encourages pattern recognition and logical thinking.
Why Board Games Are Perfect for English Class
Board games are more than just entertainment—they’re a teaching goldmine. Here’s why they work so well in the classroom:
1. Encourage Communication
Many games, especially trivia and card games, require players to speak and interact. For shy students, this can break the ice and get them talking naturally.
2. Boost Vocabulary and Grammar
Games like Trivial Pursuit include a wide range of topics, exposing students to new words. AGO Link is designed specifically to practice simple sentence structures.
3. Create a Relaxed Environment
Games reduce the stress of traditional learning. Students focus on having fun, and learning happens naturally.
4. Practice Critical Thinking
Strategic games like Otrio develop problem-solving and logical reasoning. When explained in English, they add an extra layer of challenge.
5. Build Cultural Understanding
Games like Trivial Pursuit also introduce global trivia, helping students learn about English-speaking cultures.
How I’ll Use These Games in Class
• Warm-Up Activities: AGO Link is great for getting students talking at the start of class.
• Vocabulary Practice: Trivia questions from Trivial Pursuit allow students to learn words in context.
• Group Work: Games like Otrio promote teamwork and communication, essential skills in language learning.
• Fun Days: On special days, we’ll use these games to create a relaxed yet educational atmosphere.
Board games are a versatile and enjoyable way to bring English learning to life. With the variety of games I now have, I’m excited to see my students engage, laugh, and improve their English skills in ways that textbooks alone can’t achieve. If you’re teaching or learning English, I highly recommend adding some games to your toolbox.